What is Laminate and PVC covered plywood?
and how does this affect your cut to size plywood order?
Laminate (HPL)
Over here we will be discussing in the context of carpentry, mostly refering to cabinet, wardrode. bookshelves and desk etc. Also we are also refering to the common term use in Singapore carpentry.
Laminate usually refer to the High Pressure Laminate (HPL). See picture below on how they are made.

PVC lined plywood
PVC is a single layer compress directly into the plywood.

From the Table above, we can see that PVC is more versatile and economic with multiple usage.
In our shop there is 2 type of PVC layered plywood;
1 sided layered PVC and 2 sided layered PVC
As the name suggest, it mean one side is cover and the other is both surface are covered with PVC. Most of your kitchen cabinet and wardrobe are make from PVC lined plywood.